What yoga means to me
Actually, my first encounter with yoga was pretty horrible and it still amuses me to think about it. For years I avoided each and every yoga class like the plague.…
Actually, my first encounter with yoga was pretty horrible and it still amuses me to think about it. For years I avoided each and every yoga class like the plague.…
Life is awesome, challenging, full of adventure, a bit scary, beautiful and everything in between, right? What I love about yoga is that it gives us the opportunity to navigate…
Sitting at your desk all day, in meetings or in your car? Well, I guess your neck and back hurt a lot, right?! Your hips are tight and you are…
Have you ever heard the term: “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.?” Yes, you have...well, although we care so much about our clean homes, super white teeth and perfect body shape…
Tight hips and hamstrings are one of the main issues in today’s society. In almost every class of mine I hear students and clients complain about their hammies and hips.…
Soforthilfe bei Kopfschmerzen: Kopfkreisen: Kreise Deinen Kopf sanft von rechts nach links mit fließender AtmungLasse vorsichtig deinen Kopf in eine und anschließend in die andere Richtung kreisen. Power-Nap: Leg Dich…
Richtig, sie treten meistens im Trio auf und haben als Ursache meistens ein und denselben Übeltäter: Streß. Streß bei der Arbeit, im Freundes- und Familienkreis. Kennen wir alle – brauchen…